The Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Addiction is a powerful beast that can rip us from what (and who) we love, whether we’re talking about alcohol, drugs, gambling, or even something behavioral like sex.

As frightening as addiction can be, it’s important to remember that help is out there. That help comes in the form of rehab facilities that are dedicated to helping addicts achieve and maintain sobriety while learning to cope with such a massive lifestyle change.

If you’re thinking about rehab for yourself or someone you love, you’ll have two distinct options: inpatient and outpatient treatment. So what’s the difference? And for that matter, which is right for your needs?

Keep reading as we outline the key difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab facility in Pennsylvania.

Inpatient Rehab

An inpatient rehab facility is what most people think of when they talk about rehab. At an inpatient facility, patients temporarily reside at the facility itself, allowing for 24/7 care.

Inpatient rehab also gives a more structured approach to the rehab process. Typically, a patient’s entire day is planned out in advance.

While that might sound overly regimented, that much structure is a good thing and can aid sobriety by creating healthy habits.

Likewise, inpatient rehab is quite important during the initial stages of sobriety, as withdrawal can be dangerous. At an inpatient facility, you’ll have medical supervision to ensure that the withdrawal process is as safe and painless as possible.

Outpatient Rehab

An outpatient rehab facility is still a great option for those looking to get sober, even if it’s a bit different.

At an outpatient facility, you’ll have more freedom to come and go. You may even be able to work while attending a program at an outpatient facility. It is suggested that while an individual attends an outpatient facility, they live in a sober living home to provide additional support.

There are several types of outpatient programs, such as:

  • Day programs
  • Half-day programs
  • Intensive programs

Day and half-day programs are closer to what you’d find in an inpatient program, while the latter is a bit more relaxed, meeting only a few times per week.

Which is Best?

There isn’t a “best” type of rehab, to be honest.

The right choice for yourself or your loved one is going to depend on the severity of their addiction, their support system, and their individual psychological needs. If you have a strong support system, for example, you may be okay at an outpatient facility.

Your best bet is to get information from a variety of different facilities and compare and contrast. To get started, you can check out this Addict Help best rehab centers guide, which includes some great information on the best facilities in the United States.

Understanding the Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

While the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab is stark, they share more in common than most people think. Ultimately, it’s all about helping you get sober and live your best life.

Remember, there’s no wrong option. Check out facilities in your area, and be sure to look into our blog for more great information like this.

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