Top 6 Injuries Caused By Car Accidents

Paramedic placing a cervical collar to an injured woman from car accident

Car accidents obviously cause damage, with vehicle damage being the most visible. But, there are damages that may not be immediately visible, too, especially body injuries that result from a collision. 

A great deal of force is involved in automobile collisions, and it’s applied very rapidly when two vehicles collide. The amount of force and its direction can cause damage to anyone’s body by bending and twisting it in ways it’s not meant to be bended and twisted.

Here are the top six injuries caused by car accidents:

  1. Bruise

A bruise is an ordinary injury that results in a temporary discoloration of the surrounding skin. When you have a bruise, the pain could last for a couple of days. Blood in the blood vessels deep below the surface of your skin gathers, creating what is known as a white and red mark. Bruises are very common injuries during car accidents. In fact, even the most minor collisions can still cause bruises by slamming the driver or passenger into their seatbelt. Bruises generally heal within one to two weeks.

  1. Whiplash

Whiplash happens when the body of a person suddenly shifts backward and then forward with high force. This condition is most common after a vehicular accident.

Whiplash can cause several different injuries and being able to spot the symptoms is key so that you can receive proper treatment. These include headache, neck pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, lightheadedness, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. If you experience any of these symptoms, then you should visit a doctor. Whiplash on its own, however, rarely results in permanent injuries, although it can be painful for several weeks.

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A young injured woman in a plastic stretcher after a car accident, covered by thermal blanket. Top view.
  1. Neck And Back Injuries

Neck and back injuries from a car crash are a sad reality of everyday life. Many patients who sustained these injuries were unaware of the fact that they had them until they actually had their first meeting with a physician. 

The rapid and intense force that a collision can bring to the body causes ruptures or herniations of your spine’s discs. The resulting injury can be serious and may limit your mobility. That’s why it’s important to call an accident attorney, especially if neck and back injuries sustained were caused by negligence from another party or driver, and to ensure you’re getting the compensation you deserve. If you have any history of back or neck injuries, or pain persists for several days after the accident, consult with an orthopedist. 

  1. Concussion

A concussion is usually a moderate brain injury in which you suffer an impact to the head, causing some degree of dizziness, confusion, or other symptoms. The damage caused to the brain usually occurs instantly after impact, but can take a while to fully recover from. These symptoms are common when an individual suffers a minor head injury, but more serious cases of a brain injury from a car collision can have serious consequences. It’s essential to note that for any kind of injury to the head, including concussion, prompt treatment is crucial.

  1. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injury or TBI occurs due to an unexpected, forceful, external injury to the head. It’s among the major causes of disability and mortality among children. TBI is an expansive term that includes a wide range of brain injuries.

The common types of TBIs are blunt trauma to the skull (with a hammer, club, shod foot, or other objects) and penetrating skull injuries. Each of these cases can lead to injuries to the head and neck. Blunt force trauma to the skull can result from a serious sports-related accident. Penetrating skull injuries can occur from a car collision or other types of accident. 

Traumatic brain injuries can have potentially life-changing effects. Note that while it’s possible to recover from a TBI to some degree, it’s treatment may be one lifelong process, depending on the damage’s type and severity. That being said, filing an injury claim can be of great help.

  1. Internal Bleeding

The most common form of injury that can cause bleeding of the internal organs after a car accident is blunt force injury. In general, this type of injury can be caused by an impact to the skull, head striking the windshield, or body being struck with the front or back end of the car. Internal bleeding usually results from penetrating injury to organs, such as the spleen or kidney.

Internal bleeding after a car crash can vary greatly, and it’s important to be aware of what your body is experiencing. The best way to ensure that you receive the medical attention you need is to notify a medical professional that specializes in accident and emergency care as soon as possible. 

Final Thoughts

Injuries are almost inevitable after a car accident. For drivers and passengers alike, the best thing to do is to wear a seatbelt at all times. Such an act protects your body from sustaining even worse damage even if it doesn’t really prevent all injuries. Also, to make sure that you’ll recover as fully and quickly as possible, getting prompt treatment is crucial.

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