Thinking of Building a Home Indoor Pool

An indoor swimming pool is an asset for any home. Apart from providing year-round access to the homeowners, these pools offer privacy and enclosure to the user. There can be nothing more convenient than walking from one room to another to gain access to clean blue water one can swim in. It is a smart way to keep every family member active and energetic irrespective of the season.

Are you wondering how much an indoor pool will cost?

When wondering about the conveniences of it, you might begin to think about the cost of an indoor pool. Usually, luxury homes and apartment complexes have swimming pools inside. It is entirely true that home indoor pools are a huge investment. Pool professionals estimate the cost of building one between $100,000 and $250,000 depending on the existing architecture, the infrastructure, size of the pool and additional features. A simple lap pool will cost significantly lesser than an endless (therapy) pool. A mechanism for creating a constant current is necessary for an endless pool. It helps the swimmer maintain the pace. This mechanism can drive the installation cost by a couple of thousand dollars.  

While building a pool inside a house, the engineer and architect have to think about quite a few factors before estimating the cost of it. The size of it is the leading factor that drives the pool building costs. The typical trending size of a swimming pool is around 16 feet by 32 feet. For building a pool of that size indoors, you will need a room of about 20 feet by 40 feet. Many pools have a standard depth of 40 feet, but you can customize it up to 78 feet as well. 

Indoor pool support architecture can be expensive

Some people already have dedicated sunrooms, or basements they want to turn into a swimming pool. While others need to build an extra wing to accommodate an indoor pool. In the second case, people have to account additional expenses. Nonetheless, experts recommend that people opt for skylights, retractable roofs and glass sliding doors to maximize the impression of openness and to allow natural light. In the presence of clear glass and retractable structures, the owners have to worry a little less about the lighting costs during the day. At the same time, sliding the doors open during summer can reduce the humidity and introduce fresh air into the surrounding. 

Even those who have rooms designated for an indoor pool might need to pause and consider the cost of adding vapor barriers. The massive volume of water will result in lots of water vapor. That demands the presence of plastic vapor barriers behind walls to prevent the moisture from reaching the inner layers of the wall. Simple drywall is not enough to stop the access of water vapor to the structural frames, and that can lead to the growth of mold. The inclusion of Greenboard or wonder board can help homeowners prevent such health hazards from forming under their roof. However, all vapor barriers will contribute to the cost of building your dream home indoor pool

There are minute differences between indoor and outdoor pools

Building a pool outside is easier than doing the same indoors. The professionals have to worry about the temperature, humidity, ventilation, pumping, water treatment, and drainage before they can sketch the structure of the pool. One primary difference between an outdoor and an indoor swimming pool is the slope from the edge. For outdoor pools, the slope leads away from the edge to keep the dirty water and debris out. In contrary, the slope leads towards the edge of an indoor pool to keep the water in. These special construction measures affect the total cost of an indoor pool. 

Ventilation system and energy costs are sizeable 

Another prime concern of all architects is the environment of the indoor pool. People prefer to keep their home indoor pools around 82-degrees. That calls for a dedicated heating system. It is quite comfortable around the year, but maintaining the temperature outside the room becomes a challenge. Swimmers like the room temperature to be a little higher than the water temperature. However, heating the surroundings to 84 or 86 degrees increases the evaporation significantly. It is imperative for every indoor pool owner to invest in proper-sized dehumidification systems. The humidity level should not go beyond 50% to 60%. It is a significant cost, and the size of the pool contributes to the expense of ventilation.  

Think about investing in high-quality lighting options

For the night, every pool should have wall sconces and underwater lights for convenience and safety. No one feels comfortable while swimming in dimly lit or dark waters. You should invest in quality underwater lights that can sustain daily use. Avoiding any type of overhead fixtures is critical. It is not only difficult to change the bulbs and maintain them regularly, but it is also dangerous for the pool users. Always stick to water-safe lights and proper insulated electrical wiring around the pool. Your pool’s lighting can create all the difference. It should be subtle, yet adequate. The right choice of lighting fixtures can elevate the aesthetics of any indoor pool irrespective of the indoor pool costs. 

Regular maintenance costs no one should forget

No matter how many add-ons you want including water features, kiddie pool zone, underwater jets or unidirectional currents, you cannot discount the size of the equipment room. Every pool requires daily maintenance. An outdoor swimming pool might accumulate more significant volumes of dry leaves, twigs, dirt, and debris, but an indoor one needs extensive care too. For example – many indoor pool owners use chlorine to clean the water. As a result, the surrounding air begins to smell strongly of chloramines. In such cases, the pools require odor reduction or elimination systems like an ozonator or mineral purifier. Most homeowners feel comfortable leaving the maintenance responsibility with third-party maintenance companies. In that case, you will have to ensure that the room remains accessible by the staff. 

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